Our main email address is used for contacting the West Valley Amateur Radio Club:
1) The main way to contact us is suncitywvarc@gmail.com and it can be used for anything, including Membership, questions to board members, requesting a Zoom link etc. It can also be accessed by filling out the form on the "About Us" page of the website. Event pictures up to 10 MB can be attached to that form.
2) There is currently no "physical" address for this 501(c)3 club, as we are all volunteers who work from our homes. Our Post Office Box address is: WVARC P.O. Box 1573 Sun City, AZ 85372-1573, and is used to mail in your membership form and dues. If you are reading this, you probably know that our URL is https://westvalleyarc.com .
Our monthly newsletter is called "ShortSkip". The Editor gathers articles, pictures and club advertisements for each issue. To contact the SS Editor, use his email address: shortskipeditor@westvalleyarc.com and type the word "ShortSkip" in the subject line.
Each month, the new issue is posted by one of our webmasters to the "Members Only" page of our website, and is also emailed to each current member on our club roster.
The "Members Only" page (requiring a login) is activated, directly following the annual dues payment of just $20.00 beginning 2025. (Becoming a member.) This will help to keep member's personal information more private and cut down on the number of spam emails to each member. Items that you will find on this page include the quarterly club roster, the monthly ShortSkip Newsletter, the General Meeting minutes each month and the Board Meeting minutes each month.
Rosters are updated quarterly by our wonderful Membership Director. Members need to fill out a Membership Form each time they pay dues, and inform the director of any changes to their call sign, email address, street address or phone number. Rosters are emailed once per quarter and posted to the Members Only page of the website. Dues are due on January 1st of each year, and if delinquent, the member will be dropped from the club roster.
Google Groups is currently being used as a one-way email format, to communicate with club members. Each new member will be added to Google Groups. A meeting link (Zoom) will be sent to each member in Google Groups just prior to both monthly meetings.
The names and call signs of officers and committee chairmen are located on the "Board & Committees" page of our website. On that same page, look for their email address to contact them with procedural questions or comments.
If you have some good used ham radio gear that you are no longer using, consider donating it to our club. We will either put it to good use during our Field Day event, or we can sell it, with the proceeds going to help finance club activities and learning opportunities. Contact George, AA7GS, with your list of items. aa7gs@westvalleyarc.com
George, AA7GS, is also starting up a new EmComm portion of our club. Stay tuned for more details.
No matter which level of Ham Radio License you are studying for, you may contact Krissy, KI7GJJ, and arrange to be part of the next test session, either at the club meeting or at the West Valley Ham Shack. Her number is on the club roster or you can email her at ki7gjj@westvalleyarc.com
West Valley ARC is a 501(c)3 amateur radio club.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Email the Webmaster: webmaster@westvalleyarc.com
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